Friday, April 11

The masculine feminine...

The masculine feminine interplay in relationships. If you are with a partner who has a masculine essence or masculine sexual essence as most men do then to communicate with that person it will be more effective to use requests or statements of your needs and an implied way which they can help you with that need rather than command as to what you ultimately want to happen because the masculine energy is that energy of a command of direction and in the intraportive(?) masculine and feminine it's like magnets. You also don't want to be speaking to your woman with a feminine sexual essence and ask... listen

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Monday, April 7

Life is either adventurous or simple...

The way I see it, your life is either more adventurous or more simple. Generally, the more exciting you want your life to be, the more of variety to want there to be in your life, the more you're going to have to deal with more complexity and that's just natural. Now, organizational systems will help you to manage the complexity so that it leads you into overwhelming. But beware that if you want to have an exciting diverse life, it's going to be more complex. If you want more simplicity, it's going to be less exciting.

Saturday, March 22

I'm thankful for difficult people...

Remember that in your difficult circumstances in communications with other people, there is an immeasurable opportunity to grow and learn to become a better communicator and more compassionate person. So when somebody with whom you come in contact is having a bad day, remember that at some point in life, you have probably acted in the same way. Find gratitude for the opportunity to grow and remember not to take anything personally and just have compassion.

See: Non-Violent Communication

Sunday, March 9

No one can stop me from...

No one can stop me from being me and no one should, anyone who wants to stop me from being me, I don't need to expend any energy to try to be in their presence, I only seek people, friends, and associates whom we will respect me being me. listen

In intimate relationship,...

In intimate relationship, really in all relationship. It crucially important to recognize our own and the other person's individuality, their independence, even within the interdependence synergy that we seek to create.

There is an individuality, which must never be given up, because if that is given up then your relationship becomes entirely co-dependent. If that is given up then you no longer have the capacity to be seperate. Neither of you are whole any longer.

This is the conception that we have about our selves when we lose our individuality. This is a point of view, a box that we put our selves and our partners, parents and friends into. We need to be aware of this, and we need to let go of it and see our selves as the individuals that we are.

This then allows us to be truer to ourselves and everyone else as well. We become more useful and enjoyable for ourselves and everyone else. We become authentic.

Friday, March 7

Empathic listening...

Stephen Covey talks about empathic listening in his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He says one of the habit is seek first to understand than to be understood. Well, if that's true and it is, the best way to do that is to listen and empathic listening is the best listening we can do. Really hearing the thoughts and the feelings of another person, listening with both sides of your brain. And he says that the way to do this is to reflect the thoughts and the feelings back to the person for each statement that they make.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Best-Selling Book

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Unabridged Audio Program)

Know your purpose in...

Know your purpose in any moment. It's surprising that we don't realize that we always have a purpose. We're always up riding(?) under some purpose. If for example were on our way home, our purpose is to get home. If we have a headache, our purpose is to feel better. In fact, most of the time, people are operating(?) under the purpose of feeling better than they do right now. Alleviating some emotional pain, alleviating some physical pain, alleviating some mental anguish, something. So bring a conscious awareness to the purpose you're operating under and be extremely empowering. listen

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Arouse enthusiasm, inspire...

Arouse enthusiasm, inspire people and arouse enthusiasm in those around you by motivating them, by allowing them to hear you mirror(?) to them their positive characters, their strength, their skills, their talent, their unique abilities. Let those things be recognized, and people will want to continue to be those good(?) people, because hey, somebody recognize it(?). listen

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Make it a habit to give...

Make it a habit to give sincere appreciation to the people that you love everyday. In fact, strengthen this habit so much that every time you have a thought about something that you appreciate, something that you like, you express that as long as it's appropriate to the person whose responsible. This can be an especially powerful in forming new friendships, but also in maintaining your relationships with loved ones. listen

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Find ways everyday to...

Find ways everyday to add to the emotional bank of your Internet relationships with your lover, with your children, with your co-workers as well. Find ways to add the emotional bank account and some of the best ways to add are by giving sincere appreciation when someone demonstrates good qualities. listen

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Self reliance conquers...

Self reliance conquers any difficulty, quoe from Yogi Chi. listen

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Thursday, March 6

My purpose is to help...

My purpose is to help other people discovered their purpose and to constantly live, just(?) myself and to help others to live this, to find your purpose, to align yourself with gratitude(?) to whatever means necessary re-framing in what not, to set a clear intention and believe that you can be true to visualization and the work on them self and set worth of plan of action to follow through with it. listen

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Tuesday, March 4

If you find yourself...

If you find yourself saying the word should or thinking the word should that sentence has absolutely has no value to you because your speaking or thinking about something that can never change. Could yourself won't if your thinking in respect of what you can do differently in the future but should is virtually not helpful. listen

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Purpose, gratitude,...

Purpose, gratitude, intention, action. These are the things that I seek to connect with in the morning, everyday, and through out everyday. To be align with my purpose. To be in gratitude, have strong intention and take powerful action. listen

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Sunday, March 2

It's completely imperative...

It's completely imperative that in order to stay young and enjoy your life and feel free in growing that you have to constantly be introducing yourself to things that you did not even know existed and exploring new things in life. listen

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Important also, every...

Important also, every morning to a line yourself in gratitude for the things that you are having a life that you can truly be grateful for. Doesn't matter what they are. listen

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Wednesday, February 20

I am not my task. I...

I am not my task. I am what I choose to be come, called [...]. listen

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